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Unlock the Benefits of Point of Purchase Advertising



Point of Purchase or POP display advertising has become a key strategy, used by marketers the world over to grab customer attention and improve sales. A POP display is an attractive tool in their hands to promote a product and is also aimed at triggering that extra impulsive purchase by a shopper, which only goes to add to the revenues for the retailer.
Industry Report Validating the Merits of POP Advertising
For many years, this strategy of using POP displays in the marketing mix has been used successfully by marketers for a wide variety of reasons and not just to increase their sales.  Some interesting results, as revealed in the 2016 POP Trends Survey report, released jointly by the Path to Purchase Institute and Menasha are:
1) One in four survey respondents report that their existing and future spending on POP displays will increase.
2) 30% respondents in the survey mention short-term boost in sales as a reason to opt for POP advertising. 
3) Perceptions around best zones for putting up such a display are also changing, according to this industry report. Only 14.7% of the respondents stuck to the popular belief that checkout zones are the best places to display a point of purchase advertisement. On the other hand, 37% voted for the “End of Aisles” areas as the most appropriate for driving sales with a vendor-supplied POP.
Benefits of Point of Purchase Displays
For Increasing Sales – POP displays do contribute to an increase in sales. This fact was also validated in a study by Brigham Young University in Utah, where it was revealed that product displays with signs outperformed ones without signs by 20%.
To Build the Brand – 26.7% respondents in the Menasha and Path to Purchase Institute industry report mentioned “brand building” as the single most important reason for undertaking a POP campaign.
Introducing New Products – If you’re looking to introduce a new product or service to your customers, there is no better way to do so than by putting up a high quality point of purchase display across your store.
Making the Most of Impulsive Shopping Decisions – As purchasing power increases, more shoppers are making unplanned purchases or what are known as impulsive shopping decisions. They might hit a store with no ready shopping list and make an instant decision to buy a product based on how it attracts them, thereby presenting an incredible opportunity for retailers to make the most of such opportunities by using POP displays.
Some Ideas to Get Started
1) Unleash your creativity and think of ideas that will instantly grab your customer’s attention.
2) Your message or call to action must be short and to the point.
3) Never compromise on the quality of the advertising. Try using bright colors and high quality graphics for your in-store display design.
4) The quality of the material you use for such advertisements is also an important consideration.
5) Consider cross-selling and bundling two different products together for an instant response from your customers.
6) Take feedback from your regular customers and use their inputs as you constantly shuffle the promotions.
7) Take inputs from your staff and place these advertisements at strategically selected locations throughout the store, where you think it will be most impactful and not just at the billing counter.
In this day and age of cut throat competition, as you leverage the digital world, it also becomes important to fall back upon traditional marketing mediums and strike that fine balance to achieve your business objectives. The use of POP displays is one such conventional tool that can lead to increased sales and therefore something that must be considered.



MasterClass: ‘Re-Sparkling’ Retail: Using Store Design to Build Trust, Faith and Brand Loyalty

HOW CAN WE EMPOWER and inspire senior leaders to see design as an investment for future retail growth? This session, led by retail design expert Ian Johnston from Quinine Design, explores how physical stores remain unmatched in the ability to build trust, faith, and loyalty with your customers, ultimately driving shareholder value.

Presented by:
Ian Johnston
Founder and Creative Director, Quinine Design

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