Understanding "value" in a digital economy
How social networking draws shoppers together into a “force majeure”
How continuous partial attention undermines great brand experiences
Why facial recognition systems can help shape store design and customer interaction protocols
3-D virtual shopping will boldly go where no shopper has gone before
How Marriott is teleporting guests into next-gen customer experiences
Using the card, even when you know it’s not good for you
How brain activity can predict buying behavior
It’s more than just “I don’t care”
How the mirror neuron system shapes consumers' feelings and influences brand adoption
Homage to a merchandising master and my first mentor
How plastic enables customers to make the step to purchase – even if it’s a painful one
How neuroplasticity figures into consumer behavior
How choice de-motivates buying decisions
Using technology in the service of empathic extension
Engaging the maker-culture in the creation of relevant shopping experiences
Why "new" is important in customer experience
Customers understand shopping experience through brain cell firing patterns
Ninety-five percent of customers’ ‘thoughts’ occur without them realizing it
Two activities made of the same stuff