No longer simply a place to display product, fixtures are becoming an integral part of retailers’ brand stories
Have retailers paid no attention to 20-plus years of the importance of store design?
A new steakhouse in Guangzhou, China, reflects the sleekness of urban living, while offering an escape into a small-town garden
Soft Surroundings’ retail svp loves serving and interacting with people. He can’t understand why every retail employee doesn’t feel the same way
Companies will still make goods, and people will still buy goods. But what about our stores?
“Scenes from a Mall” was a 1991 Bette Midler-Woody Allen movie. Would “The Divine One” recognize it today?
This business development specialist at Google’s Tango project is helping retailers face reality – both virtual and augmented
Bomba Tacos & Rum brings Cuban food, color, music and fun to suburban Ohio
Louisville, Ky., is losing Macy’s, The Limited, Gap and Kmart. And it “has never been stronger.”
The senior design coordinator at Whole Foods Market in Northern California grew up in a world of art and music. Now she helps create environments that...
A food court in the elegant new Lounge 2 of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport emulates an urban street market
As the largest city on the European continent, Moscow has one of the world’s biggest urban economies
Macy’s up for sale? Sadly inevitable. Going to Hudson’s Bay Co.? Now that’s a surprise
Times have not been kind to the once-dominant specialty mall retailer, now closing up its stores and succumbing to a 21st Century world
Experiential spaces, digital integration and Gen Z are top of mind as retailers, designers and architects look to the coming year
Between shuttering stores, raising wages, ramping up omnichannel and closing for Thanksgiving, it was another full year for retail
The Christmas surprise Macy’s definitely did not need
Timberland’s sustainability director feels environmental changes are best when manufacturers and processors are involved in setting their own standards
Wrangler’s Asian strategy appeals to the scooter-driving generation that covets American denim
The Godzilla of commoditizing has decided shoppers really do need nicer stores and better store employees. It’s even paying its workers more