FAIRFAX, VA. – March 14, 2017 – InfoComm Intl., the global trade association representing the commercial audiovisual industry, and the retail and hospitality brands of ST Media Group Intl., the world’s leading educational voice and authority for the visual communications industries, today announced the formation of a strategic partnership to demonstrate how integrated A/V experiences can generate better business outcomes for brands in the retail and hospitality channels.
ST Media Group Intl.’s retail and hospitality group includes VMSD and Boutique Design magazines, the annual International Retail Design Conference (IRDC), as well as the BDNY and BDwest trade shows. Components of the partnership include speaking engagements, editorial roundtables, trend reports, end-user spotlights, the presenting sponsorship of the 2017 VMSD IRDC conference and the 2017 Boutique Design BDNY trade fair tech session presentation. Editors from VMSD and Boutique Design will also participate in design-focused seminars at future InfoComm events.
“Integrated audiovisual experiences are being used by more and more forward-looking retail and hospitality companies to create new brand experiences that foster stronger levels of customer engagement that lead directly to increased sales, repeat business and a greater sense of customer loyalty,” said InfoComm Executive Director and CEO David Labuskes, CTS, CAE, RCDD. “Working with ST Media Group, we will highlight what specific companies are already doing and enlighten nontechnical retail and hospitality decision-makers about the business-building benefits that can be derived from integrating A/V experiences into their store and hospitality designs.”
According to ST Media Group Intl. President Tedd Swormstedt, “ST Media Group Intl. has always worked to provide the highest quality, most trusted information to readers in the markets we serve. Increasingly, it is audiovisual technologies that are creating the kind of immersive customer experiences that are helping our readers to meet the challenges posed by an increasingly online world of consumers. Our partnership with InfoComm, the leading authority on what is happening in the world of A/V today, is the logical extension of our ongoing commitment to help our readers build their businesses for their next generation of customers.”
About InfoComm Intl.
InfoComm Intl. is the global trade association representing the commercial audiovisual and information communications industries. Established in 1939, InfoComm has more than 5400 members, representing over 70,000 A/V professionals worldwide, including manufacturers, systems integrators, dealers and distributors, independent consultants, programmers, rental and staging companies, end users and multimedia professionals from more than 80 countries. InfoComm Intl. is the leading resource for A/V standards, market research and news. Its training, certification and education programs set a standard of excellence for A/V professionals. InfoComm International is the founder of InfoComm, the largest annual conference and exhibition for AV buyers and sellers in the Western Hemisphere. InfoComm also produces trade shows in China, Europe, India, Latin America and the Middle East. Additional information is available at infocomm.org.
About ST Media Group Intl.
Located in Greater Cincinnati, ST Media Group Intl. serves the visual communications industries with trade publications reaching more than 200,000 readers, branded websites with over 125,000 average monthly visits, a custom book division and industry events, including BDNY (Boutique Design New York) BDwest (Boutique Design West) and IRDC (International Retail Design Conference drawing more than 7000 annual attendees. Media brands include Signs of the Times, Screen Printing, The Big Picture, Signs of the Times & Screen Printing en Español, VMSD (Visual Merchandising and Store Design), Boutique Design and BXP (formerly Package Design).