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IRDC Registration Goes Live

Announces Chip Conley as keynote for September event




VMSD’s International Retail Design Conference (IRDC) announces that Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre Hospitality, will deliver the opening keynote at this year’s conference, held September 7 – 9 in San Francisco.

In the 24 years since the debut of the Rolling Stone-inspired Phoenix (where regulars include the Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Psychedelic Furs), Joie de Vivre’s portfolio has expanded to include almost 40 boutique hotels, 18 restaurants and five spas throughout California.

Conley attributes that growth to a retooled business model influenced by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Hear him talk about how this philosophy applies to retail design and how to read your customers’ behaviors.

To get more conference details and to register, visit Sign up by July 15 for the early bird discount!



MasterClass: ‘Re-Sparkling’ Retail: Using Store Design to Build Trust, Faith and Brand Loyalty

HOW CAN WE EMPOWER and inspire senior leaders to see design as an investment for future retail growth? This session, led by retail design expert Ian Johnston from Quinine Design, explores how physical stores remain unmatched in the ability to build trust, faith, and loyalty with your customers, ultimately driving shareholder value.

Presented by:
Ian Johnston
Founder and Creative Director, Quinine Design

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