Be thankful not for Thanksgiving, but for retail and all it means
Uniqlo forges a strong Parisian presence in a historic iron foundry
Tesco’s problems in the U.K. and overseas are an object lesson in how “very big” can mean “very big problems"
A market-style gourmet food hall debuts in Switzerland’s upscale Jelmoli department store
The words of Brit King George VI may sound out of time, but finding a retail home overseas requires a change of mindset
The downsizing of big box stores is leading to some curious collaborations
Is retail heading back to city centers?
Fashion brands showcase offerings at the Milan Furniture Fair
Big retail impact in a small Bavarian town, thanks to an inspired use of local topography and an acceptance that not everything has to be uniform
When contemplating what to do next, why not seek inspiration beyond your immediate neighborhood?
Continual reinvention is key
Discount doesn’t have to mean drab
Pared-back supermarket interiors may mean low prices, but they also mean lackluster store environments
While slightly reminiscent of 2011, this triennial trade show still has influence
Signs of a more prosperous shift for retail in the U.S., U.K.
Flagships, pop-ups and groceries become ubiquitous
Are traditional Christmas windows a thing of the past?
Why the shop of tomorrow will look a lot like the shop of yesterday
Retailers continue to open new stores on the back of a strong tourism trade
Brand headquartered in Sweden makes debut in Britain