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Florida Retailers Back E-Commerce Retail Tax

Tax-free transactions create unfair advantage




The Florida Retailers Association (Orlando, Fla.) has launched a new web site, “Fairness in Florida”, to support proposed legislation that would require online retailers to pay sales tax to the state. According to, the association claims tax-free transactions create an unfair price advantage for e-commerce retailers.

“Foreign companies are luring Florida consumers by advertising cheaper prices that don’t account for taxes owed,” said Scott Shalley, FRF President and CEO. “This scheme is putting Florida retailers out of business and taking away jobs for Florida families.”




MasterClass: ‘Re-Sparkling’ Retail: Using Store Design to Build Trust, Faith and Brand Loyalty

HOW CAN WE EMPOWER and inspire senior leaders to see design as an investment for future retail growth? This session, led by retail design expert Ian Johnston from Quinine Design, explores how physical stores remain unmatched in the ability to build trust, faith, and loyalty with your customers, ultimately driving shareholder value.

Presented by:
Ian Johnston
Founder and Creative Director, Quinine Design

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