The windows at Bloomingdale’s, just in time for the holidays, celebrated the underlying message in “Wicked,” Universal Studios’ blockbuster hit
Submit your holiday windows for VMSD's annual recap!
A masterclass in visual merchandising, New York’s iconic holiday windows still ignite festive cheer and design inspiration
The windows and in-store campaign will be running through Jan. 5, 2025
“Toast of the Town” celebrates flagship store’s Fifth Avenue locale
Send us your materials for consideration today
Another holiday comes quickly for retailers
Deadline has been extended to Jan. 3, 2023
The new deadline for Look Book is Dec. 2; deadline for holiday windows is Dec. 16
Deadline to submit is Nov. 28, 2022
The unveiling celebration is open to the public and will be streamed live
Interactivity, over-the-top designs were the order of the season
REGULAR VMSD READERS know that we recently launched our exclusive Brain Squad, which is made up of visual merchandising and store designers across the country (and beyond) who offer...
Deadline is now December 17
Deadline is November 30
Macy’s says “thank you” to New York through its world-renowned holiday windows.