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Thinking Outside the Box



Thinking Outside the Box: Embracing Geometric Shapes in a Unique Store Design 


When creating the flawless store design layout, it is important to use every element possible to create the perfect brand image. Concept stores can no longer just rely on combining unique colors to set their store design a part, now it is important to focus on the importance of geometric shapes within the store design. Different shapes invoke unique feelings within people. Also the use of geometric shapes in store designs can help the store design by making it more easily navigated, framing important aspects of the store, and creating a unique visual effect.


Navigation through Triangles: 

It is important to create a store design that is easy for customers to easily navigate through. A strong concept store will highlight important products and create a logical path that customers can walk through. The best way to implement navigation throughout a store design is with the use of shapes. The best shapes to use when guiding customers through a luxury store design are triangles. Triangles help point customers throughout a store and make the most of a store design. Also triangles have psychological effects within people. Triangles represent stability, energy, and strength. These different emotions can create a powerful while simultaneously guiding customers throughout a store. Below is the luxury store design Tokyo Issey Miyake that incorporated triangles within their concept store.



“Tokujn Yoshioka installs Giant Red Triangles”

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Framing through Squares & Rectangles: 

It is also important within a store design to highlight and create focal points throughout the store. Concept stores can highlight their store logo or different products on display. The best way to frame different objects within the store is through the geometric shapes of rectangles and squares. Although squares and rectangles are the most commonly used shapes within store designs, they have positive psychological effects on customers. Squares and rectangles invoke the feelings of reliability, stability, and suggest structure. These are all important emotions to create within a luxury store design. Below is the Nespresso concept store design that implemented the use of colorful squares and rectangles to create structure all while creating the feel of order within their store identity.



“George Clooney not included – Product Review: Krups Nespresso Citiz and Milk”

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Visual Effects through Circles: 

Finally, to make a store design truly inspiring and unique it is important to incorporate different geometric shapes to add a new dimension. The best shape to use to create a unique visual effect is a circle. Furthermore, circles represent harmony, completion, and can add a feminine visual identity to a store. Although not as commonly used, pentagons and hexagons also create a similar feeling as circles. They can be more unique and create a contemporary feel within a store design. The concept store, Freudenhaus Eyewear perfectly implements the use of circles within their store design. They used circular shelves to showcase their eyeglasses in a fashionable way. The store design is chic with the all-white but dynamic with the use of the circular shelving.



“Eyewear Store Design in Munich”

Image Source:



Pictures and shapes can make even more of an impact on a customer than originally perceived. The use of various geometric shapes not only are practical within store designs, but add a unique dimension that set stores a part. Various shapes help customers navigate a store, frame important products, and create a unique visual effect. The use of geometric shapes in a store design can create a unique visual identity because ultimately: shapes are a universal language that can speak to anyone.





MasterClass: ‘Re-Sparkling’ Retail: Using Store Design to Build Trust, Faith and Brand Loyalty

HOW CAN WE EMPOWER and inspire senior leaders to see design as an investment for future retail growth? This session, led by retail design expert Ian Johnston from Quinine Design, explores how physical stores remain unmatched in the ability to build trust, faith, and loyalty with your customers, ultimately driving shareholder value.

Presented by:
Ian Johnston
Founder and Creative Director, Quinine Design

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