NORWALK, CT, May 7 – Every year the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) recognizes individuals who dedicate themselves to building a better future within the built environment by promoting the Living Building Challenge with sustainable products. Rochelle Routman, Chief Sustainability Officer of Aspecta, a flooring fabricator, is the first person to receive the Living Future Hero Award from the Manufacturing sector. The awards were announced at the Living Future unConference in Seattle, WA.
Every year the International Living Future Institute hosts its annual Living Future UnConference where architects, engineers, manufacturers, CSR professionals and more gather to learn about new sustainable design solutions and connect with leaders working to further the environmental movement. This event takes place over the course of four days where attendees can participate in tours, listen to inspiring keynotes, and attend education sessions.
“This award is very personal to me and goes straight to my heart,” said Routman. “Being named the first Living Future Hero from the manufacturing sector is not only a huge honor, but also an acknowledgement of my commitment to always support the vision of a Living Future, alongside an impressive list of accomplished building industry professionals.”
Amanda Sturgeon, CEO International Living Future Institute, said, “We honored these Heroes for their commitments to the Institute’s mission: to lead and support the transformation toward communities that are socially just, culturally rich and ecologically restorative. We tip our hats to them for continually pursuing and improving how projects are designed, materials are specified, and construction is performed.”
“The actions of these incredible individuals exemplify the leadership required to combat climate change,” said James Connelly, ILFI’s Vice President Strategic Growth. “In a world full of uncertainty and fear, these bold risk takers are showing how optimism tied to concrete action can create powerful change in each of our communities.”
In bestowing the Living Hero Award to Routman, Connelly said, “I have had the pleasure of working with Rochelle since the launch of the Declare program in 2012. She has been a tireless advocate of Living Future principles and has strongly promoted and supported ILFI work in multiple roles at some leading manufacturing companies, most recently as the Chief Sustainability Officer for Aspecta. Rochelle excels at reaching across the aisle in the business community to change hearts and minds. She is one of the most tireless volunteers of our work, chair of the Alumnae Committee for the Women in Sustainability Leadership Award, and a passionate mentor and advocate of a living future.”
Rochelle Routman, Chief Sustainability Officer for Aspecta (center), accepts the International Living Future Institute’s Living Hero Award at the Living Future unConference in Seattle, WA, from (left) James Connolly, ILFI’s Vice President Strategic Growth, and Amanda Sturgeon, CEO, ILFI.