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Holiday Windows Review

VM+SD’s worldwide tour of the season’s best displays



Macy's Herald Square 

At Macy’s Herald Square in New York, designers created the story of “The Trees of Wonder.” The windows followed two travelers as they journeyed to six fantasy lands, each representing attributes the revered tree has come to stand for, including peace, harmony, beauty, joy, friendship and love.

Shoppers became part of the story, using touch-pads on the window glass to initiate lighting, music and sound, all synchronized to six new arrangements of “Oh, Christmas Tree.”

“ ‘The Trees of Wonder’ bring the windows literally out of the box,” says Macy’s window director Paul Olszewski.


Photography: James Mulea, New York




MasterClass: ‘Re-Sparkling’ Retail: Using Store Design to Build Trust, Faith and Brand Loyalty

HOW CAN WE EMPOWER and inspire senior leaders to see design as an investment for future retail growth? This session, led by retail design expert Ian Johnston from Quinine Design, explores how physical stores remain unmatched in the ability to build trust, faith, and loyalty with your customers, ultimately driving shareholder value.

Presented by:
Ian Johnston
Founder and Creative Director, Quinine Design

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